Clean the intestine of the parasite in the home

The human body: the system is quite complex. From the moment of his birth, which is subjected to the interaction with the outside world and, in consequence, with a variety of microorganisms. And not all of them do favor of the person, often come with so-called parasites (worms, fungi, etc). When they enter the body and infect her, of them, must get rid. Since these microorganisms are able to cause great damage.

The question then arises of how to get the parasites of the human body. If this is not done in time, this situation can even be fatal. Therefore, the agency once in a while to clean it of parasites. Even regular prevention.

The cleaning of the intestine of the parasites

What are the parasites can be found in the body

How to get the parasites of the human body with pills? To do this, you initially must determine what it is that is infected. In the human body, you can see several species of parasites:

  • worms (that is of tape and round worms);
  • ostritsy;
  • vlasoglavy;
  • ascaride;
  • liver fluke;
  • trichomonas;
  • Toxoplasma gondii;
  • Gardnerella;
  • gonorrhea;
  • mikoplazmi;
  • ureaplazmi;
  • giardia;
  • chlamydia;
  • fungi of the species candida;
  • amoebas;
  • different microorganisms viral.

The symptoms of the infection

The symptoms of an infection from an organism of parasites, which can be very varied. For example, stool, abdominal pain, constipation, depression, weakness. Even a feeling of discomfort in the joints and muscles. Sometimes changes dramatically weight for the person begins to lose weight quickly. It appears the fierce appetite, decreases immunity. Occurs the over sensitivity of the skin. When you find yourself in the body of parasites in humans may experience sudden changes in pressure.

Sometimes the rash appears skin, acne, irritations, including scabies. Inflamed skin, may begin to fester. Yellowish white of the eyes, sometimes also show parasites found in the body. Skin cracks can appear and the warts. Begin to break the nails. Inflamed genitourinary disease. In some cases, even develop asthma. This puts us on guard, and, in consequence, the question arises as to draw the parasites of the human body.

But immediately the panic is not worth it. Many of the symptoms can be caused by other diseases, including the common cold. Therefore, in any case, you should consult a doctor, that would make an accurate diagnosis and determine the type of parasites and the ways of their excretion from the body. But even before the onset of the symptoms of prevention would not hurt.

Cleaning of garlic

The preparation of the body for the cleansing of parasites

We're going to understand how to remove the parasites from the body Before this procedure should be performed a course of surveys. That it is necessary to select the effective way of treatment. In addition, it can be disclosed and contraindications of certain medications or methods of purification. More on the background of chronic diseases, inflammations, or flare-ups.

Before the end of purifying the body of parasites, you should go on a healthy diet. The ideal would be a vegetarian. Must be excluded from the diet fatty and heavy in the kitchen, in the period of two weeks adhere to the careful discharge of the diet. It is necessary to consume more fruits, raw vegetables, drink natural juices. Should be excluded from the diet sugar and refined products.

It is important to the correct performance of drinking water treatment. Consume can only be drinking water in the amount of not less than two litres a day. It is necessary to exclude soft drinks, beforehand cleanse the kidneys, liver and intestines. Suffer from constipation – apply enemas of cleansing the intestines. To do this, you can use broth of a tansy, a camomile, a wormwood, calendula and yarrow.

As you cleanse the body of parasites with the help of the pills

As to effectively remove parasites from the body? If well to address this issue, it is necessary to apply not only to medication, and use of auxiliary remedies. And the treatment will be carried out in several stages.

A total of three. In the first agency pretreatment. Are allocated to medications that contain vegetable oils. In the second stage is recorded, deworming medications, but gently in place. In the third phase is assigned to drugs that renew the immunity and the function of the liver, kidneys, intestines, etc, as well as vitamin complexes. What is more important is the recovery of the liver.


As you cleanse the body of parasites remedies

There are many ways in which they are applied since a long time ago in the village. List the methods that are used with more frequency.

It is very useful to know how to get the parasites remedies. If the person does not have gastritis or ulcers, can be used for the purification of the pepper. If used in large quantities, worms, malware of bacteria disappear quickly. But, in any case, this method can damage to the stomach. Therefore, use extreme caution is recommended. Children is contraindicated unambiguously.

The purification of the normal onions suitable, if the body is surprised ascarids and pinworms. For the treatment take the onion and carefully grind. Pour a glass of boiling water and insist 12 hours. Then tincture filter and drink a cup every day. The course of treatment – 4 days.

How to get the body of parasites remedies more? It is a good way – the garlic candle. It is quite interesting and powerful. To prepare the candle, take a few slices of garlic, which are ground into a fine grater or pressure. Then, this slurry is poured a small amount of warm water and half an hour insist. In the thick solution are soaked in vatku and wrapped in bandages. Inserted into the anus for 20 minutes. Such garlic the slurry can be used for enemas, adding in the water.

Ridding the body of worms well helps to a juice of raw carrot. Just daily take one tablespoon two times a day.

For the purification can be done with an infusion of chicory. To do this, you will need 1 teaspoon of grated finely the root. You will also need the same amount of dried tansy and yarrow. All ingredients are carefully mix. The mixture is poured two cups of water, insist in a water bath 15 minutes. Drink the infusion should be fasting for a quarter of a cup. The course of treatment – day of the week.

The purification of caustic soda

How to get the parasites of the human body with the help of soda? Is the method of treatment must be treated with care. Although, in the opinion of many, to often, the most effective tool that the expensive medicines. This method refers to the popular methods. The procedure consists of enemas of bicarbonate of sodium, which is applied at night.

Course of treatment of two weeks. Carry out can be two times a year. By the observations of people who receive this type of treatment, already after the first treatment, restores the normal appetite, go by unpleasant sensations, and strengthens the nervous system.

For enemas take 800 ml of water, add 30 grams of soda. Some people prefer to add a bit of salt. Next, we injected a solution into the rectum.

You can find a multitude of stories, how to get rid of the parasites sosa. Only that here the doctors with popular opinion, which helps to expel the worms from the body, it does not agree. As well as parasites mainly live in the upper part of the intestine, and descended down only to lay eggs. And if the parasites were at the time of the procedure there, which, of course, washing. But the rest of the worms doesn't affect you. Yes baking soda and they are not afraid.

The purification of caustic soda

How to clean parasites from the intestines

To cleanse the bowel of worms, you can apply an enema with medicinal plants. How to get the parasites of the intestine in this way? They are very useful for this, siberian ginseng and spirulina. These plants are detoxicant, bind and eliminate toxic substances in the number of those who enter ostritsy and many threats of the bacteria.

When asked about how to make the body of a massive parasite, that we can safely answer that siberian ginseng, and spirulina create unbearable for the life of the worms conditions (regardless of size) that require them to leave as soon as possible that it became useless to the life of the human body. In addition to this, the data of the plant is well retrieved the immunity, the protective reaction, contribute to the rapid recovery of the intestines, the mucous membrane and the bile ducts.

When it is not possible to remove the parasites independently, without consulting with the doctor

Check out the parasites at home you don't can, in some cases. When:

  • pregnancy and breast-feeding;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • oncology;
  • the exacerbation of chronic diseases (any);
  • high temperature;
  • the diseases of cold;
  • acute renal or liver failure;
  • stomach ulcer, gastritis;
  • the bleeding (including menstruation).

The prevention of the

To do not ask yourself how to get the parasites of the human body, and do not suffer from their presence, and of unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene and time to carry out prevention. Most of the worms and the worms suffers from the body child. He is infected with greater frequency than an adult.

Therefore, you should always wash your hands after a walk, go to the bathroom and before eating. I cut the nails, daily brushing teeth, for washing, etc., the underwear must be changed daily and the bed linen once a week. After washing you must carefully to caress the hot iron on both sides.

Rules of hygiene should be taken into account not only the children but also the adults. We can not allow close contact of the child with their pets. In the street you have to teach her not to pick up abandoned objects and not to touch stray animals.

In the residential area permanent, shall be of the wet cleaning. Toys brought in from the street, should be washed with soap and water. The fruits and vegetables before you eat them necessarily to pour hot water. The fish and the meat may be eaten only after a careful heat treatment. Do not drink tap water directly from the tap.

Taking into account the current ecological situation and the state of urban water pipes, you need more seriously to the water that we drink. It would be useful for the installation of various filters and purifiers. If this is not possible, then you should drink only boiled water.

Fruits and vegetables

Advantages and disadvantages of the popular methods of treatment

If you are sure that is infected with parasites is to cleanse the body popular methods in the home.

Of parasites, apply the following methods of cleaning:

If you are sure that is infected with parasites is to cleanse the body popular methods in the home.

Let's see, the extent to which these techniques are effective.

The absence of the consultation of a doctor can make you, confused the diagnosis, he is receiving treatment for the parasites, who do not. Or this method is not effective against this type of parasites. The definitive diagnosis can only be put of analysis, and no other way.

In addition, the treatment of parasites in the household may not bring to the cleaning of the body, and poisoning. Because some overdo it with the dosage, found in the hospital with the strongest internal burns or a disorder of the digestive system.

Some overdo it with the dosage, found in the hospital with the strongest internal burns or a disorder of the digestive system.

Such actions have consequences and that may not be admitted. Popular methods, it is better to use in combination with medications recommended by the doctor.

But these methods there are and advantages. Such as the lack of chemistry in the composition. The positive influence of the herbs in the body will allow you to clear the esophagus of not only parasites, but unnecessary, and the bacteria in the home.

How to perform the prevention of cleansing the body of parasites in the home

Prevention is best in autumn and spring, during epidemics of the waves.

If you're constantly in a great team and comes in contact with the people, the prevention should be done at least twice a year. This is especially the case of children, as in institutions, gardens and schools easy to get the infection. This can also occur in the health center or in a hospital, in the bank or in the store.

After the arrival of the street be sure to wash your hands. And before eating food and after contact with animals.


After the arrival of the street be sure to wash your hands. And before eating food and after contact with animals. This applies especially to the street of the animals. They carry all kinds of parasites, bacteria, and germs.

Always expose the meat and fish processing, for which it is guaranteed that destroys the eggs of parasites. Also you should always boil the water, if you are simply losing through a filter, this increases the possibility of infection.

The prevention can not take care of the women intestinal infections, pregnant women, and during the critical days.

For prevention you need to just take any pill against the parasites, in which there is levamisole.

To do this you just have to take any pills against parasites, in which there is levamisole. It weakens the protection of the parasites of the impact of the resources of the agency itself.

After two days you must take the medicine in the composition, which is Mebendazole. This will lead to its total destruction.

Follow personal hygiene. Cleanse your body, this will cause the prevention of the parasites in the home of the most effective way, even if your body is weakened.

Follow personal hygiene. Cleanse your body, this will cause the prevention of the parasites in the home of the most effective way, even if your body is weakened.

Well, and if already sick, let's hope that this article will can help effective and safe way to cleanse the body of parasites, even in the home. But best of all, consult a doctor. Remember that your health is in your hands. Take care of yourself and your children.